Monday, January 27, 2020
Role Of Media Selection In Effective Advertising Media Essay
Role Of Media Selection In Effective Advertising Media Essay This study will describe the consideration for effective advertising about the media selecting process. Main objectives of this paper are, to determine the relationship between advertising and role of media selection; to set up the foundation for checking the effective advertising and media performance for the promotion of consumer product; to assist the corporate sector and media agencies to select that media for the advertising of their products and services which is most effective and approachable. There is no sufficient research or literature review are available on role of media selection in successful advertising, as a result this research contributes a lot in that area and will show that carefully selected media can make advertising more effective. Keywords-consumer, media selection, promotion Introduction Advertising is a form of communication used to influence individuals to purchase products or services. It communicates a message that includes the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer. Advertising often attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume a particular brand of product or service. Firstly a consumer product is generally any tangible personal property for sale and that is used for personal, family, or household for non-business purposes. The determination whether a good is a consumer product requires a factual finding, on a case-by-case basis (Walter Thompson, Keith Mc Arthur (2005) [2]. For advertising effectiveness different media are used to convey their messages for consumer product like print, online, electronic and outdoor media. For advertising effectiveness different media are used to convey their messages for consumer product like print, online, electronic and outdoor media. Secondl y the selection of media according to the target audience is really important for sale and promotion of particular product, because wrong media selection for product cannot convey their core message to the consumers. Online, print and outdoor media are mostly used in cities. On the other hand electronic media used in both villages and cities but specially radio used in rural areas. For the effective advertising, one should choose the media very carefully so message can be easily convey to their target and desire consumer segment in useful and efficient manner after that their advertising become fruitful. As a result in this way our adverting tools become more result oriented and successful. Hence, purpose of this study will be, develop a questionnaire on the variables which were defined above to calculate and checked the media participation in effective advertising. Main question that will be discussed and solved here through analysis is: Does advertising effectiveness depend on intelligent media selection? Literature Latre (2007) explored how the changing role of advertising in marketing is altering the behavior of advertisers and its implications for advertising-supported media. Advertisers are struggling to understand changes in audience media use and to changes in attention paid to commercial messages [1]. Television has increased slightly because of deregulation of the broadcasting markets or increase in cable and satellite expenditures. Radio and outdoor remain stable with a tendency to improve, and internet has emerged as a significant player, confirming the trends apparent in the largest markets. Numberger and Schwaiger (2005) determined compared advertising effectiveness of cross media selection with pure internet and print advertising. Findings suggest that while a combination of internet and print advertising is more effective than only internet advertising with regard to brand attitude, no differences could be confirmed between advertising effectiveness of media combination and print. They founded that the knowledge about internet and cross-media advertising effectiveness. These topics are of interest both for scholars and practitioners, as the internets possibilities are not unequivocally considered and are still developing. Currium and Shoemaker (2005) researched several textbooks, journal articles, and advertising practitioners that indicated the advertising for many products should be directed toward the heavy users of the product category. They suggested that advertising should be directed at current users of a brand to retain them or to users of competitive brands in an effort to attract them. Data Methodology The theoretical framework that can be derived from discussions could be drawn as: Our dependent variable is advertising effectiveness for consumer product that is dependent on the four types of advertising forms given here, also the effective utilization of media are acting as moderating variable which strengthens or weakens the relation of rest of the two variables. Data about advertising effectiveness was collected through these four variables and questionnaire survey was conducted as this method is the vastly used by social science, management, and HRM researchers. Questionnaire survey data can provide useful statistics to the researcher, which can be used to describe how things are and why the phenomena occur (Lewin, 2005). Descriptive statistics can be used to describe and summaries data and include measures of central tendency (average) and dispersion (the spread of data or how close each other is to the measure of central tendency) (Lewin, 2005). Therefore, by using this method it is very easy to quantify the answers to questions, compare and contrast the responses to look for the relationship between variables and enables the generalization of responses. This study has used a self-completion questionnaire also known as self-administered questionnaire. The population of this study was general public and for this sample size of 25 was used. In order to get the overall summary of variable descriptive statistics will be used; moreover correlation will be calculated to find the relationship among different variables. It also shows the direction of relationship between two variables. Analysis Following are the results that are analyzed with the help of SPSS software through the data gathered from questionnaire. Table above is showing the descriptive statistics that depicts the overall picture of all the five variables. There are 5 responses that lead to the options (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree). Number of observations of each variable is 25. The above table shows the mean, minimum, maximum and std. deviation values respectively. Mean value calculated provides the idea about the central tendency of the values for a variable. For example if we observe the above output to appraise the average response rate or the respondent then we come to know the mean of different variables advertising effectiveness (mean: 3.86), print media (mean: 3.76), online media (mean: 3.72) electronic media (3.71) and outdoor media (mean: 46) respectively. Here we see that for all variables the average response rate of responded are lie within the option 3-4 (3 is for Neutral and 4 is for agree). The minimum option that is ticked by respondents is 3 and the maximum option that is ti cked by respondents is 4. Standard deviation gives the idea about the distribution of the values of a variable from its mean value. So, the value of Standard deviation (S.D.843) which is the high value as compare to other variables values. This shows that most of the respondent answers were not same for the variable and obviously they dont have consistency in their answers. Through correlation its easy to verify the mutual relationship among variables. Table represents the table of correlations. Where all variables print, online, electronic and outdoor media are positively correlated to advertising effectiveness (r = .138, p = .150, r = .150, p = .119, r= .040, p = .680, and r = .031, p = .746) respectively. The magnitudes of the above discussed correlations are greater than 0.30 in the absolute terms (PM, OLM and EM) which shows the moderate correlations between the said pairs of the variables but the correlation of outdoor media (ODM) is lesser than 0.30 in absolute terms, which shows the weak correlation between advertising effectiveness and outdoor media. All the above correlations are statistically significant at less than five percent level of significant. In the case of these correlations the null hypothesis of no correlation are rejected as the P-values are lesser than 0.05. Here also noted that if 100% change in advertising effectiveness then 40%, 30%, 47% and 19% change in advertising effectiveness due to print, online, electronic and outdoor media and 60%, 70%, 53% and 81% due to separately. Results The main objective of our study is to examine the role of media selection in effective advertising. Using a quantitative method that is to test the projected model in the background of Pakistan and to complete our research work has a sample size of 25 consumers and general public. The main purpose of our research report is to lead the researchers and media people which select those media carefully while advertising their consumer products. Early research has been focused on the media selection (e.g. H.C Tai (2006) Numberger and Schwaiger (2005); etc.) but very few studies have been conducted which worked on online media (e.g. Kovacheva (2008); Tsotra and Janson (2007) etc.). So there is sufficient research work is required in case of online and outdoor media in Pakistan. Through a broad literature reviews of articles that emphasis the on media in advertising effectiveness. This study also provides the relation of advertising of consumer products and print, online, electronic and fina lly outdoor media. Questionnaire was developed for data collection purpose on five variables (advertising effectiveness, print, online, electronic and outdoor media). This study is likely to contribute to the literature by examining the role of media selection in effective advertising. Through this research report advertising agencies and companies can take better decision in marketing of their products and services on the other hand through general public opinions in questioner it is know that on which kind of media the consumer have more trust. In this study no sufficient relevant material was found to this topic in Asia specially Pakistan this means that decision makers in Pakistan are trying to improve advertising effectiveness without any proper analysis and market research. Descriptive analysis used to describe the data by using descriptive summary. Inferential analysis used to describe the relation between variables by checking the acceptance or rejection of hypothesis and to see the nature of relationship between variables. In inferential portion the study tested the relationship between advertising effectiveness (AE), print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) and outdoor (OD). The descriptive analysis and correlations has been used for analysis purpose. The advertising effectiveness has been used as dependent variable as the representative of advertisement. The study found a relationship between AE and print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) and outdoor (OD). The AE is positively related to all independent media and all the variables are statistically significant. The correlation between AE and print media (PM), online media (OL), electronic media (EM) is significant but the strength between both of the variables is moderate which shows that both variables have impact on each others. But (ODM) does have weak effect on advertising effectiveness. Limitations These findings shows that there were be lots of other factors that play role in enhancing advertising effectiveness but our variables have only 35 percent out of 100 which is very little although these studies only see the role of media selection in effective advertising so far in future studies it would be useful to include some other variables in the analysis as Advertising agencies and marketing policies etc may advances the value of the coefficient of determination? In spite of the contributions of the study, several factors may limit the value of the findings expected from the study. First, this study is limited to the advertising sector , thus the results may not be valid in other industries secondly this study is also limited to single job of media center selected because it represents a main job in advertisement of consumer product and is critical to the success of any product. Conclusion This study describes the facts of advertising effectiveness in a number of ways. It is found that if companies select print, online and electronic media for their consumer product advertising they can get better results because these Medias have positive relation with advertising effectiveness. But in case of outdoor media there is a lot of work is required to improve it because it have weak relation with advertising effectiveness so media agencies should use this medium in some effective ways in order to advertise their products through outdoor media and make it successful medium for advertising .This finding Concurs with the hypothesis that choosing first three media companies can get better result and choosing outdoor media have less effective results. Different medias have been studied to see the advertisement effectiveness and hence it is recommended on solid grounds that to choose electronic, online and outdoor media for their consumer product advertising in urban areas because people of cities have not enough time to read ads in magazines and newspapers on the other hand in rural areas where electronic media Like radio is the most effective medium of advertising. In the last, advertisers should use those methods of advertising which is according to knowledge, skills and abilities of their target customers.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Green Engineering
Date 11/17/11 | | Name: Manuel Tejada Activity: Sustainable Architectural Design Course: Materials and Processes (CD220) Instructor: Paul Debashis Green engineering is a much-needed approach to transform existing engineering disciplines and practices to those that promote sustainability. The concept of sustainability is to develop and implement technologically and economically viable products, processes, and systems that meet the needs of humanity, while protecting the environment.Green engineering is governed by the following principles: Use the least amount of energy to achieve any given task. Generate as much energy as possible using renewable resources. Generate the least amount of pollutants and by-products during energy generation. Use renewable and biodegradable materials to a maximum extent for building structures and fabricating products. Reduce waste during construction and fabrication. Design structures and products to maximize their life spans and minimize maintenance.De sign for easy deconstruction and facilitate the reuse of components and materials from obsolete structures and products in new construction and fabrication. Make the least impact on the environment. The obvious question is: Why are these principles not followed? The answer is: Because of economics, convenience, ignorance, and affluence, with economics playing the major role. For example, thermal power plants are still a more economical source for electrical energy compared to solar energy.However, the depletion of raw materials and the cost of controlling pollution and by-products are resulting in a steady increase in the cost of electricity produced by thermal power plants. This, in combination with the improved efficiency of solar cells, is making solar cells a viable alternative. In the area of energy production, the fraction of energy produced by renewable resources is still very small. The popular sources are coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear. Hydroelectric power plants are a long-standing renewable source.The growing sources of energy production are solar and wind. Fossil fuels generate carbon dioxide and large amounts of residues, such as fly ash and bottom ash. Philosophically, most of the energy we are using came from the Sun. For example, coal, oil, oil shale, and tar sand were produced over millions of years from forest growth. If we could harness solar radiation, then most of the world's energy needs could be met. To achieve this, the efficiency of solar cells has to be increased considerably.It is estimated that the Sun provides about 120 quadrillion watts of energy daily, while worldwide consumption is about 13. 5 trillion watts per year. In the next paragraph I will present the proposed of solar panels for a small business in Dominican Republic (Karina supermarket), which spends about 2160 kwh every month (0, 35 usd/kwh) $ 756 us monthly. For this project we are going to use solar panel that contains 4 cells, and each of them can produce 0. 45 volts and 100 milliamps, or 45 milliwatts. Each cell measures 2 inches by 0. 5 inches.In other words, with these solar cells you can generate 45 milliwatts in one square inch (6. 45 square cm). For the sake of discussion, let's assume that a panel can generate 70 milliwatts per square inch. To calculate how many square inches of solar panel you need for a Supermarket, I need to know: * How much power the supermarket consumes on average. * Where the supermarket is located (so you can calculate mean solar days, average rainfall, etc. ). This question is possible to answer because I have the specific location in mind.Considering that in the tropics the days are longer and the sun shines more. We'll assume that on an average day the solar panels generate their maximum power for 6 hours. Now we are going to do some calculation of how much solar electricity I need to power this supermarket. This means that what I would be powering with solar electricity are things like the refrigerator, the lights, the computer, the TV, stereo equipment, motors in things like furnace fans and the washer, etc. Let's say that all of those things average out to 3000 watts on average.Over the course of 24 hours, you need 3000 watts * 24 hours = 72,000 watt-hours per day. From our calculations and assumptions above, we know that a solar panel can generate 70 milliwatts per square inch * 5 hours = 350 milliwatt hours per day. Therefore you need about 205,000 square inches of solar panel for the supermarket. That's about 5 solar panel that measures about 285 square feet each one (about 26 square meters). The cost for each unit, including battery bank and installation $16,000-$20,000 us. Now we are going to compare the annual cost of both system solar panel Vs regular energy.Solar Panel Total energy peer year: (2160kwh/m) (12m) = 25,920kwh/y Total installation cost: (5panel) (20,000us) = $100,000us Total cost kwh: Total cost/Total energy peer year = $3. 858 us/kwh Regular energy Total ener gy peer year: (2160kwh/m) (12m) = 25,920kwh/y Total Cost: (25,920 kwh/y) (0, 35 usd/kwh) = $9,072 us Assume no change in the cost of the electricity and base in the calculation, this system will likely pay off in about 11 years. The average lifetime of solar panels is 40 years, so your investment will reap about 3 times the initial cost.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Free Market Economics vs. Command Economies
Imagine a country where the goods and services that are produced are based on the market. The market decides who gets them and how the economy grows. This is called a Free Market which is also known as Capitalism. In capitalistic countries citizens have sole ownership of their land or businesses. Profit is the motivating factor in this economy. The citizens are more willing to work due to the retention of profits from their businesses. Corporations are able to issue bonuses and rewards for those with high productivity. Businesses can establish themselves or trade with other nations for more profit. There is limited government input in a free market economy. Businesses compete with each other giving the consumer a wide variety of goods and services at a low competitive price. The market is determined by supply and demand. The citizens in a free market have the ability to elect officials into office that they feel would make a difference. They have freedom of speech, religion and press. They have the rights that were governed by the United States Constitution. In a command economy the government decides the goods and services that are produced, who gets them and how it will affect the economy. Socialism and Communism are both variations of this economy. Socialism is a medium between a free market and a communism economy. The major businesses are owned by the public while small businesses are still private. In this economy the Government will control health care, education, media and transportation. The private owned companies can still motivate their workers by providing monetary incentives and are provoked by profit. The public companies however are monitored by the government and therefore have limited incentives. Trading with nations in the socialistic economy has a lot of restrictions. The government even controls who goes to college. A communist economy the government controls almost ever aspect of the market and civilian freedoms. All businesses are publically owned. The markets are controlled by the government fully and there is very little choice for consumers. Citizens do not have freedom of speech, religion, and press. The two economies are completely different from each other. Either the government has the reigns in a command economy or the people do in the free market. North Korea is an example of a communist country. The people have very little rights and the government makes all the decisions. The United States is an example of a free market economy, were the people control the market and their choices, the government has very little input. Lastly Sweden is an example of a socialist country were the government has more input then the people, but the citizens still have some choice. Nickels, W. , McHugh, J. , & Mchugh, S. (2010). Understanding Business. (9th ed) Avenue of Americas, New York: The Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
New Fingerprint Detection Technology Developed
In an era of advanced DNA technology, fingerprint evidence may be considered old school forensics, but its not as outdated as some criminals may think. Advanced fingerprinting technology now makes developing, collecting, and identifying fingerprint evidence easier and quicker. In some cases, even trying to wipe fingerprints clean from a crime scene may not work. Not only has the technology for collecting fingerprint evidence improved, but the technology used to match fingerprints to those in the existing database has been significantly improved. Advance Fingerprint Identification Technology In 2011, the FBI launched its Advance Fingerprint Identification Technology (AFIT) system which enhanced fingerprint and latent print processing services. The system increased the accuracy and daily processing capacity of the agency and also improved the systems availability. The AFIT system implemented a new fingerprint matching algorithm which increased the accuracy of fingerprint matching from 92% to more than 99.6%, according to the FBI. During the first five days of operation, AFIT matched more than 900 fingerprints that were not matched using the old system. With AFIT on board, the agency has been able to reduce the number of required manual fingerprint reviews by 90%. Prints From Metal Objects In 2008, scientists at the University of Leicester in Great Britain developed a technique that will enhance fingerprints on metal objects from small shell casings to large machine guns. They found that chemical deposits that form fingerprints have electrical insulating characteristics, which can block electric current even if the fingerprint material is very thin, only nanometers thick. By using electric currents to deposit a colored electro-active film which shows up in the bare regions between the fingerprint deposits, researchers can create a negative image of the print in what is known as anà electrochromic image. According to the Leicester forensic scientists, this method is so sensitive it can even detect fingerprints from metal objects even if they have been wiped off or even washed off with soapy water. Color-Changing Florescent Film Since 2008, Professor Robert Hillman and his Leicester associates have further enhanced their process by adding fluorophore molecules to the film which is sensitive to light and ultra-violet rays. Basically, the fluorescent film gives scientist and extra tool in developing contrasting colors of latent fingerprints - electrochromic and fluorescence. The fluorescent film provides a third color that can be adjusted to develop a high-contrast fingerprint image. Micro-X-Ray Florescence The development of the Leicester process followed a 2005 discovery by University of California scientists working at Los Alamos National Laboratory using micro-X-ray fluorescence, or MXRF, to develop fingerprint imaging. MXRF detects the sodium, potassium and chlorine elements present in salts, as well as many other elementsà if they are present in the fingerprints. The elements are detected as a function of their location on a surface, making it possible to see a fingerprint where the salts have been deposited in the patterns of fingerprints, the lines called friction ridges by forensic scientists. MXRF actually detects the sodium, potassium and chlorine elements present in those salts, as well as many other elements, if they are present in the fingerprints. The elements are detected as a function of their location on a surface, making it possible to see a fingerprint where the salts have been deposited in the patterns of fingerprints, the lines called friction ridges by forensic scientists. Noninvasive Procedure The technique has several advantages over traditional fingerprint detection methods that involve treating the suspect area with powders, liquids, or vapors in order to add color to the fingerprint so that it can be easily seen and photographed. Using traditional fingerprint contrast enhancement, it is sometimes difficult to detect fingerprints present on certain substances, such as multicolored backgrounds, fibrous papers and textiles, wood, leather, plastic, adhesives and human skin. The MXRF technique eliminates that problem and is noninvasive, meaning a fingerprint analyzed by the method is left pristine for examination by other methods like DNA extraction. Los Alamos scientist Christopher Worley said MXRF is not a panacea for detecting all fingerprintsà since some fingerprints will not contain enough detectable elements to be seen. However, it is envisioned as a viable companion to the use of traditional contrast enhancement techniques at crime scenes, since it does not require any chemical treatment steps, which are not only time consumingà but can permanently alter the evidence. Forensic Science Advances While many advances have been made in the field of forensic DNA evidence, science continues to make progress in the field of fingerprinting development and collection, making it increasing more probably that should a criminal leaveà behind any evidence at all at the crime scene, he will be identified. New fingerprint technology has increased the likelihood of investigators developing evidence that will withstand challenges in court.
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